Ha állatkertben üvegház épül az az esetek nagy részében inkább
funkcionális, kevésbé esztétikai indítékkal létesül. Amennyiben céljuk a
különleges megjelenés, nagyon fontos lehet, hogy annak kiemelt tartalma
is biztosított legyen. Izgalmas lehet eljátszani a gondolattal, hogy
egy hatalmas kupola alatt, változatos/tetszőleges klíma biztosítható,
tehát a tetszőleges vegetáció is bemutatható. Ha már a flóránál tartunk
miért is ne lehetne ebben az üvegházban a faunát is megjeleníteni?!
Ezzel próbálkoztak (sikeresen) elsőként 1988-ban a holland Arnhem
városának BurgerZoo-jában.
A rendszer módszere - miszerint különböző fajok gondozók által felügyelve, látogatók által csodálva élnek együtt, akár falják fel egymást - a következő:
For the first time in the history of zoos, a widely-functioning ecosystem similar to a tropical rainforest was attempted to be created. That means that the plants compete for light and nutrients, the animals have to share food, territory, nesting spots, etc., but also that organisms eat each other, harm each other, and even die and decay. On the other hand, animal species take care of pollinating many blossoms, spreading their seeds, eliminating garbage, and fighting parasitic diseases. Survival of the fittest and natural selection play a big role here; the plants and animals are supposed to thrive with each other with minimal human interference. A healthy equilibrium between predators and prey is very important for the BUSH. This type of exhibitry is called eco-display.
In Burger's BUSH, plants and animals from the tropical rainforests of South America, Africa, and Asia were combined. There are also traces of different cultures: a hut of the Asmat Papuas, a pygmy hut, a rope suspension bridge, and rice fields with a watering system.
The health management of the BUSH residents has had few problems. Since the animals have a lot of freedom and opportunities to move around, and can choose their food, their health is usually very good and their stress level is usually low. The immune system functions optimally in such an environment. The density of animals is low, and therefore the danger of contagious infections is smaller than in a conventional animal enclosure.
The roof consists of 765 cushions which are 3 by 6 meters. The cushions are made from Hostaflon layers which are transparent and permeable for all light wave lengths. The whole roof is suspended from eight giant beams which rest on heavy concrete blocks in the ground. An experimental building was errected in 1984 to test the construction of a free span building. Six ovens heat the air which flows in from both sides along the roof. The target temperature is between 22 and 24 degrees Celsius. In summer the air circulation is achieved by openings in the roof and by doors and windows in the walls. Two large fans and a 17 meter high waterfall control vertical air circulation granting an equal distribution of warmth. The waterfall also raises humidity.
A rendszer módszere - miszerint különböző fajok gondozók által felügyelve, látogatók által csodálva élnek együtt, akár falják fel egymást - a következő:
For the first time in the history of zoos, a widely-functioning ecosystem similar to a tropical rainforest was attempted to be created. That means that the plants compete for light and nutrients, the animals have to share food, territory, nesting spots, etc., but also that organisms eat each other, harm each other, and even die and decay. On the other hand, animal species take care of pollinating many blossoms, spreading their seeds, eliminating garbage, and fighting parasitic diseases. Survival of the fittest and natural selection play a big role here; the plants and animals are supposed to thrive with each other with minimal human interference. A healthy equilibrium between predators and prey is very important for the BUSH. This type of exhibitry is called eco-display.
In Burger's BUSH, plants and animals from the tropical rainforests of South America, Africa, and Asia were combined. There are also traces of different cultures: a hut of the Asmat Papuas, a pygmy hut, a rope suspension bridge, and rice fields with a watering system.
The health management of the BUSH residents has had few problems. Since the animals have a lot of freedom and opportunities to move around, and can choose their food, their health is usually very good and their stress level is usually low. The immune system functions optimally in such an environment. The density of animals is low, and therefore the danger of contagious infections is smaller than in a conventional animal enclosure.
The roof consists of 765 cushions which are 3 by 6 meters. The cushions are made from Hostaflon layers which are transparent and permeable for all light wave lengths. The whole roof is suspended from eight giant beams which rest on heavy concrete blocks in the ground. An experimental building was errected in 1984 to test the construction of a free span building. Six ovens heat the air which flows in from both sides along the roof. The target temperature is between 22 and 24 degrees Celsius. In summer the air circulation is achieved by openings in the roof and by doors and windows in the walls. Two large fans and a 17 meter high waterfall control vertical air circulation granting an equal distribution of warmth. The waterfall also raises humidity.
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